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Lenten Devotional

March 4, 2018

All Day

Category: Adult Education

Exodus 20:1-17

Helpful Guidelines

These verses are well known as the Ten Commandments. We might wonder what they have to tell us during this time of Lent.

Let us have a closer look at the first one. Why does God care so much that we only honor him as the giver of all good things?  I am sure that the Lord doesn’t want us to thank him because of his egoism. He clearly knows something special about human psychology. If we concentrate our thanksgiving on the one person from whom all blessings flow, we will have a clear focus on a personality who appreciates his creatures. This lifts the human being to a level at which he can have an interpersonal relationship with his maker.

The other point of honoring God alone is that God obviously knows that thanking him will also lift up our minds instead of pressing down our spirits when worshiping numerous and arbitrary idols.

When comparing the requirements of the commandments to our lives we understand that we are not able to keep these rules. They were designed as guidelines and to make it possible to live a life in dignity and peace. These rules help us to live instead of limiting our lives.

If we simply check our attitudes and minds in daily life, we realise how fast we find ourselves trapped in gossip (false witness), wrong and misleading desires (looking at a neighbor’s possessions), working without interruption (not keeping the seventh day as a holy day). We should not consider these commandments to be prohibitions, but rather warnings. When they are regularly trespassed, we see all too clearly the bad results:  social disorder and instability, mistrust, envy and a terrible lack of morality in the political and the business world.



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